Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

LDA England website goes live

onlineLearning Disability Alliance (LDA) England, a movement to protect and enhance the rights of people with learning disabilities of people with learning disabilities, has launched its website.

The website, www.learningdisabilityalliance.org, marks a major milestone in the development of the movement. LDA England brings together 4 key umbrella groups for people with learning disabilities: National Forum of People with Learning Disabilities, National Valuing Family Forum, Association for Real Change, and Housing and Support Alliance.

LDA England is a membership organisation. It already has more than 1,000 individual members, plus 49 organisational members.

LDA England will be focused on campaigning and quality checking Government and the political parties in advance of the UK General Election on May 7, 2015.

The creation of LDA England has been welcomed by self-advocates: “If it makes the regional forum and the voice of people with learning difficulties stronger and louder, then Wiltshire People 1st say go for it!”

Leading self-advocate Simon Cramp added: “I can’t wait to get stuck in to persuade and convince people that we need a fairer deal is people want to count on our votes.”

Simon Duffy, chief executive of the Centre for Welfare Reform, who is coordinating the development of LDA England, said: “The past few years have seen a radical reverse in the rights of people with learning disabilities. Things have never been so bad. So it makes sense to unite. Individuals and organisations often feel powerless in the face of bad policies and the ignorance of the system. Unity can make us stronger and braver.”

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