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Fragile X Society closes in on fundraising target for Fragile X Awareness Day

The Fragile X Society is closing in on its 10,000-mile goal to raise money for the charity and awareness of the condition around the UK through its #FragileXpedition campaign.

On Fragile X Awareness Day, the society is – at the time of writing – less than 200 miles shy of its 10,000 mile target, and has raised more than £10,500 for the charity.

Initially, the charity had planned to ask its members and supporters to join together, and collectively walk, skip, cycle, run, hop, dance, cycle, swim or jump 8,026 miles; the distance around the whole of the UK. But having exceeded already that target, it was expanded to 10,000 miles.

This idea is that, while out and about, the society wants people to speak about Fragile X, take photos, share their stories, explain why they are part of this #fragileXpedition and raise awareness of the condition.

Fragile X Syndrome is the most common inherited cause of learning disability, and the leading genetic cause of autism. Its effects are variable, but individuals commonly experience communication issues, severe anxiety, and epilepsy. It is a lifelong condition, which often has a varying impact on whole families.

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As an inherited condition, carriers of the Fragile X gene also experience health problems, such as female infertility and memory problems in later life. About 175,000 people in the UK are affected by Fragile X and its associated conditions.

“We are so grateful to everyone who has helped us to raise an absolutely whopping £10,500 to help support our work, said Becky Hardiman, chief executive of the Fragile X Society. “Being a small charity, every pound makes a huge difference.”

For more from the campaign, go to the Fragile X Society’s Facebook page.

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