Learning Disability Today
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CQC finds more concerns about learning disability residential care

Care regulator the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released 36 more reports into standards at learning disability residential care facilities and found only 7 to be fully compliant with the 2 standards it was investigating. Major concerns were found at 5 facilities.

The reports are the seventh batch to be released, as part of the CQC’s programme of 150 unannounced inspections of learning disability hospitals and care homes. Only 10 reports remain to be published. Inspections focused on 2 outcomes relating to the Government’s essential standards of quality and safety: the care and welfare of people who use services, and safeguarding people who use services, from abuse. The 36 facilities inspected comprised 10 NHS, 8 independent healthcare and 18 adult social care locations. CQC inspectors found only 7 facilities to be fully compliant with the essential standards, while an additional 10 had minor concerns raised in the report. However, the inspectors had major concerns at 5 facilities:

  • Assessment and Intervention Service (Birling Centre) in West Malling, Kent, which is run by Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
  • 9 Victoria Street in Chesterfield, run by Derbyshire County Council
  • Elmsmead in Taunton, run by Voyage Limited
  • Cheswold Park Hospital in Doncaster, run by Riverside Health Care
  • Willes Road in Leamington Spa, run by Turning Point.
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The CQC has received action plans on how these services will improve from the all the providers listed above. Overall, 11 locations were found to be compliant with the care and welfare standard, with 13 having minor concerns, 9 having moderate concerns and 3 with a major concern. In regards to safeguarding, 16 locations were compliant, minor concerns were reported at 5 facilities, moderate concerns at 13 and a major concern at 2. The CQC will publish a national report based on the findings from all 150 reports later in the year.

To view the individual inspection reports, click here.

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