Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

Service user success inspires others

A programme of support from service provider CMG has helped a man with autism to gain employment – and has served as an inspiration to others in his supported living service.

Thanks to support from staff at CMG’s Avenue Road supported living service, Morris Walters has got a job working two days a week at the organisation’s head office in Wimbledon, where he is in charge of recycling and cleaning. In addition, Morris, who has lived at Avenue Road for just over a year, has made progress with his cooking, and organises shopping lists and budgets for his meals.

Morris is also now confident in taking the tram to work, after staff helped him to overcome his initial apprehension. Morris would often display challenging behaviour when he first arrived at Avenue Road, but has been supported by staff to improve his social and communication skills. The positive progress that Morris has made has proved an inspiration for others. Several other residents of Avenue Road have been motivated to work with staff to expand their horizons, increase their independence and find work, after seeing how he has thrived in his new job. 

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Avenue Road’s deputy service manager, Joanna Sengendo, said: “Morris has done amazingly well to make so much progress in such a short period of time. He is a great role model to have around, and has helped to motivate the other residents at Avenue Road. “Positive communication has been key in helping Morris overcome the barriers he faced before, and he has really flourished since he moved in here.” Morris added: “I really enjoy living at Avenue Road and I have lots of friends here. I didn’t like getting the tram before, but now I use it to get to work in Wimbledon and I really like my job. “I’ve had a great time learning to cook and I love making meals for the staff and residents – my favourite is duck in black bean sauce with egg fried rice!”

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