Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

Technology designed for living with learning disabilities

Assistive technology can promote independence and improve people’s lives as well as save money. What’s not to like for people with learning disabilities? asks Sally Gillen…

It was a simple wish. All Lorraine, Gaynor and Amanda wanted to do was to sleep under their own roof alone andsay “goodbye” rather than “goodnight” to their carer at the end ofthe day. After telecare sensors were installed, their wish was granted.

Meanwhile Ted’s problems began when it was decided a sleep-in carer was no longer needed in his supported living unit. On the first night, he got up, ate everything in the fridge, and was sick. The next night he did the same.

At first staff wondered if the way to stop his midnight binges was to lock the fridge. But once they involved the assistive technology experts, a simple solution was found that did not mean denying Ted’s housemates the freedom to get themselves a drink or something to eat. The fridge now has a video on its door, programmed with Ted’s carer’s voice reminding him, when he goes to open the door, that he should go back to bed.

These are just a couple of examples of how assistive technology is improving the lives of people with learning disabilities. Telecare, fingerprint locks, alarms, touchscreen electrical appliances, epilepsy sensors, environmental controls such as flood sensors… the list goes on. All over the country assistive technology is being used to reduce reliance on carers, boost independence and, in many cases, provide care that maximises the privacy and dignity of people with learning disabilities.

Personalised technology has infinite possibilities

The potential to develop technological solutions is as infinite as the number of individual needs and, while there are a number of off-the-shelf products available, many providers look to find a solution to fit an individual need. For that reason, the Home Farm Trust (Hft), a charity that supports people with learning disabilities, prefers the term ‘personalised technology’.

In 2004, with £2.4 million from the European Social Fund, Hft worked with partners including manufacturers, local authorities and supported employment providers on Through Assistive Technology to Employment (TATE), a pioneering project looking at how assistive technology could be used to increase employability and support independent living. The project ended in 2007 but after securing further funding, Hft and partners now support around 200people with technology. Project co-ordinator Emma Nichols says: “TATE really opened our eyes and made us realise how effective technology could be for people with learning disabilities.”

Major manufacturer Tunstall works with the charity, as well as other providers around the country, and public sector policy director Kevin Alderson says that while the company had an established track record in providing telecare for people with physical disabilities, in the last five years he has seen the learning disabilities market” really take off”.

Its growth can be explained by a number of developments, including the increasing sophistication of the technology. “Ten years ago we had products where, if you had a problem, you would press a button and then receive help. But if someone has epilepsy, say, they may fall and blackout so they can’t do that. The technology we have now means we can detect when there is a problem,” he explains.

Policy drive towards increasing independence

Another factor is the government policy drive towards increasing independence and control plus the growing population of people with learning disabilities, many of whom are living longer. With an ever-growing number of older people and individuals with learning disabilities, social services budgets are under pressure and assistive technology can perform tasks traditionally carried out by people at a fraction of the cost.

Assistive technology consultant Kevin Doughty says the need to make efficiency savings is significant, adding that the more progressive councils took the preventative technology grant, an £80 million pot of money provided by the Department of Health between 2004-2006,which had been intended for older people, and looked at how telecare could be used to enhance the lives of other groups of people such as diabetics, people with physical disabilities and individuals with learning disabilities.

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Cheshire was among those forward-thinking local authorities. Jon Wilkie is project manager for assistive technology at Cheshire East Council. In 2005 he moved from a role as a social worker in older people’s services at what was then Cheshire County Council to a role within the learning disabilities team and set about looking at how telecare could be used to benefit people with learning disabilities, partly as a way to reduce out-of-county placements and to support those moving from residential care to supported living. The council then launched a telecare pilot in 2006, involving five houses whose residents were prone to night time seizures and falls.

Within a couple of years and through expanding the work, the council made significant savings. Figures collated in January this year showed that in2008/2009 the council invested £100,000 in assistive technology but saved £400,000, says Wilkie.

In April 2009, the government decided to divide the council into two: Cheshire East and Cheshire West. Now based in Cheshire East, Wilkie says more than 100 people are supported by some form of technology.

“Most of the technology is fairly unobtrusive. It isn’t like someone’s bedroom ends up looking like something out of James Bond,” he says. “That said, some of the products do need some more work. If I’m honest, the design isn’t there with all of them but we are working with manufacturers to improve them. Some of the devices were created for use by older people and a young person with learning disabilities doesn’t want to be wearing a safety pendant around their neck that’s been designed for a 90 year old. And the fall detectors can be a bit clunky. The more subtle the device, the more encouraged people will be to use them.”

And most people with learning disabilities are keen to give them a go, he adds, especially those devices that will allow greater privacy. “Sensors reduce a lot of the just-in-case checking staff do, which in turn means we don’t have to pay for as many sleep-in carers. They are cost-effective but they also mean someone isn’t continually disturbed in the privacy of their bedroom.”

Supported living and challenging behaviour

A system whereby someone is monitored regularly by a carer is not necessarily the most effective way of caring, he argues. “A carer could check someone, close the door and seconds later that person could have a fit and nobody would know until 29minutes later when the next check is done. With a sensor, the minute something goes wrong, staff are alerted,” he says.

Wilkie cites the case of one man who had autism and epilepsy. He would find it very irritating, partly because of his autism, to have his space invaded continually by staff who need to check him. He began hitting them. There was talk of moving him to a hospital but, thanks to a telecare package, he was able to remain in the supported living placement.

“Traditionally, our default position when someone has challenging behaviour is to add in more support, but in this case it was the support that was causing the problem. He didn’t want to constantly be checked,” explains Wilkie. But not all situations are so easily resolved. Problems can arise if someone in supported living does not want a device installed in their home. Nichols recalls a case where a man with profound learning disabilities who did not want the lifeline box (a small box that that can dial a call centre for help) in the communal living area of his home. He had no speech but demonstrated his objection by damaging it and pulling the phone out. It was fixed and adapted so it is now silent and he no longer has a problem with it.

The ethical issues around installing assisted technology are considerable, the main one being consent, says Nichols. “You have to be open and honest about why you are installing the technology. Is it to help staff or the people themselves? There’s often a deathly hush when you bring this up because often people, such as providers, don’t consider all the outcomes of these technological additions.” And those with profound or severe learning disabilities, many of whom can benefit the most from assistive technology, may not always be able to give consent and the decision is left to others to decide what is in their best interests.

Assistive technology is defined by the World Health Organization Health as: “Any device or system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to door increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed.”

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