Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

Challenging Behaviour: A Guide for Family Carers on Getting the Right Support for Children.

Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2011

This At a glance briefing is for family carers supporting a child with severe learning disabilities and behaviour described as challenging. It aims to help them understand what they should expect from local services.

The briefing aims to show what good support and services look like, to enable carers to ask for the support they and their family need, and to work in partnership with the professionals who are involved with their family. The way things are done will vary between different areas. There is information at the end about what to do and who to contact if you are family carers are concerned that their family’s needs are not being met.

SCIE has issued two accompanying briefings, one on support for challenging behaviour in adults, and one on teenagers. The adults briefing can be found here, and the teenagers one here.

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