Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

Ubu opens new supported living apartments

Health and social care provider ubu has opened two new supported living apartments for adults with learning disabilities in Harrogate.

The apartments, called ustep, offer personalised support for each resident and support them as they work towards greater independence.

Residents of the purpose-designed apartments will be encouraged to set individual targets including therapeutic work, education, lifestyle and personal relationships with the support of the people who work with them.

Ustep apartments are designed around the individual to live on their own or others to share as they achieve their ambitions of a greater independent lifestyle.

Simon Cox, who has been supported by ubu for a number of years, said he was looking forward to moving into his own apartment. “It’s enabled me to progress so I can live more independent and safely.

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“I have been sharing for some time and have enjoyed that but I really wanted my own place. I will be able to decorate it as I want, invite my friends round and have more choice about how I live my life. The support will mean I can get more involved in the community, and catch the bus with support to get to work easily at [local garden centre] Horticap,” he added.

His mother, Linda, agreed. “This will be fantastic for Simon allowing him to make more choices about his own future yet still giving him the security that there is round the clock support if he needs it.  For us, his family, it takes a weight off our minds knowing he is in a safe and secure environment as he takes the next steps to greater independence.”

Dorothy Jarvis-Lee, chief executive of ubu, added: “With an ever-changing political agenda and more demands being made on the health and social care sector to provide more for less, ubu is pleased that we have the solution that progresses the way forward for those most vulnerable and who need specialised health and social care support, those with challenging behaviour and who may have a learning disability, autism [or] emotional trauma.”

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