Learning Disability Today
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New Mental Capacity Toolkit for health and social care professionals

Bournemouth University has created a Mental Capacity Toolkit to support health and social care professionals working with individuals whose decision-making capacity is impaired, such as those with learning disabilities.

The team at BU identified a need for a toolkit that was accessible to all healthcare professionals, enabling them to make better informed decisions about everyday choices for their patients.

The toolkit is part of a wider research project funded by the Burdett Trust for Nurses and aims to ensure that professionals are confident in their understanding of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005.

Around 14,00 professionals have used the Mental Capacity Toolkit so far

In order to test users on their knowledge of the MCA, the toolkit uses interactive user experiences such as videos and quizzes.

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So far, the free resource has been accessed by around 14,000 professionals, but it is also available to friends or family who may have to make decisions on behalf of another person.

Lee-Ann Fenge, Professor of Social Care at BU said: “We all take making decisions for granted but if you have cognitive problems, for example caused by dementia, then someone else might have to make a decision for you. These decisions can range from choosing what to have for breakfast, to selling a property.

“Making decisions on behalf of another person can be really difficult which is why we developed this toolkit to ensure healthcare workers can do so professionally and ethically, which is the top priority when working with vulnerable patients.”

To access the Toolkit, please visit: mentalcapacitytookit.co.uk

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Lauren Nicolle
Lauren is a qualified journalist who writes primarily across the health and social care sectors. She is passionate about exposing the injustices faced by people with a learning disability, with a particular focus on equal access to healthcare.

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