Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

M&S model’s mum backs Mencap awareness campaign

sebwhiteCaroline White, whose son Seb (pictured) was the first child with Down’s syndrome to feature in a major UK high street advertising campaign for M and S last Christmas is backing Mencap’s call for superhero stories as part of Learning Disability Week [19-25 Aug] .

The charity is calling for people with a learning disability and their families to share their stories of strength, courage and achievement as part of their “real-life superheroes” theme for the week. 

Mrs White said: “If you asked either of my boys to name their super-hero, the answer is guaranteed to be either Buzz Lightyear or Spiderman. Although deep down I suspect their real superhero is the same as mine. Their Dad.

“My husband Simon has never batted an eyelid about Seb’s condition and in those early, tough days, made ‘different’ normal. Seb is an equal and valued member of our little family and Simon has always made sure he is treated that way. I wouldn’t swap our family for the world.”

Those wishing to join Mencap’s online campaign or get involved in one of the events happening around the country can find out more at www.mencap.org.uk/learningdisabilityweek

Mencap’s assistant director of external relations Emma Harrison said: “By sharing positive stories of achievement and celebrating the many super-heroes Mencap hears about every day, we want to fight the stigma and discrimination many people with a learning disability face.”  

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