Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

Former police officers deliver personal safety skills course to people with learning disabilities

HalowA group of young people with learning disabilities in Guildford has benefitted from a personal safety skills course delivered by two former Surrey police officers in partnership with charity the halow project.

The former officers’ Shield Associates company delivered two sessions, which covered a range of topics, tips and techniques including what individuals should do in a confrontational situation – how to try and avoid it and how to remove yourself from it if it should happen. It also covered security in and around the house, which was of particular interest to the young people.

The young people not only enjoyed the two sessions, they also got expert, practical advice that they can use in the event of a potentially hostile situation. One of the young people involved, Chim, said: “I really enjoyed the course, it was fun and very useful – I now know how to get out of a bad situation.”

Shield deliver a range of consultancy services, comprehensive and detailed risk assessment, bespoke training development and protection services to ensure the safety and security of individuals and company employees. Most of the trainers are former senior Metropolitan police officers and Special Forces personnel.

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halow is committed to supporting young people with a learning disability to have the same life choices and chances as any other young person. The charity aims to put young people in the driving seat and help them take control of their own lives by providing opportunities and support to: make and meet friends through social activities, build confidence and life skills and access meaningful work and homes of their own.

To find out more on halow visit www.halowproject.org.uk/

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