Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

DWP launches consultation on future of the Independent Living Fund

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched a consultation seeking views on the impact the closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) in 2015 would have on users, local authorities and the wider care and support systems.

The ILF makes payments to disabled people to help them lead a more independent life in their community. Payments from the ILF can be used to pay a care agency or personal assistant to provide personal and domestic care, or both. It was permanently closed to new applications in December 2010.Now, the DWP is consulting on what should happen next to the ILF. The Government believes that the care and support needs of existing 19,373 ILF users can and should met within one social care system, with funding and services integrated around individuals’ need through personal budgets. Its preferred option is to, from April 2015, devolve ILF funding to local government in England and devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales.The DWP wants to hear from ILF users, their carers, families, local authorities and other interested parties in the wider care and support system.

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Responses need to be returned by October 10.For more information and details of how to get involved, click here:

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