Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

CREATE! Art For Autism finalists chosen

createartforautismAfter considering more than 1,000 entries from young people with an autistic spectrum condition (ASC) across the globe, the judges for Create! Art For Autism have chosen their shortlists for this year’s awards.

Now in its fourth year, the Create! competition continues to attract a diverse field of artists aged 11-25 hailing from as far afield as Florida and India.

The judging panel comprises Jane Asher, president of the National Autistic Society; Alun Cairns MP; singer/songwriter Aaron Yorke; University of South Wales lecturer Neil Burridge; Beechwood College’s Darren Jackson; WJEC chief examiner for art and design Steve Knapik MBE; arts editor of Bonhams Magazine Lucinda Bredin; ‘Autism’s Got Talent’ founder Anna Kennedy OBE and Michael Shaw of the Times Educational Supplement.

Between them, they will decide who claims the top prizes in the following categories: 2D, 3D, digital photography, digital animation and poetry.

To view this year’s finalists and vote in the People’s Choice Award 2014 go to www.createartforautism.com/peoples-choice-award-2014/

This year’s competition saw some schools and organisations entering for the fourth year in a row, reflecting how this competition has become an important part of their school life.

There were also many schools and organisations who entered students artworks for the first time, which Asher says “highlights how Create! continues to attract and inspire young people to want to show their creative skills to the wider world.”

Each of the finalists has been invited to attend an Awards Ceremony at the home of Create!’s founders Beechwood College in Cardiff.

Further reading: CREATE! Art for Autism awards highlight ASC creativity

As an acknowledgement of their hard work and talent, all those who have entered Create! will receive a ‘Certificate of Creativity’, and each finalist will receive a £25 Amazon voucher. The winners of each category will win a Kindle Fire HD and a Create! artbox for their school or organisation. Highly commended pieces of artwork and the winner of the People’s Choice Award will be awarded a £50 Amazon voucher.

Actress and Create! supporter Ruth Jones MBE concluded: “Create! Art For Autism is an original and inspirational competition that provides young people with an ASC the opportunity to express their creativity and portray their talent to the wider public. Art is an extremely important medium that allows everyone the opportunity to express themselves in a variety of forms. It reflects how they experience the world around them, giving people an insight into other ways of seeing the world.”

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