Learning Disability Today
Supporting professionals working in learning disability and autism services

Campaign launched to get autism on the political agenda

NASThe National Autistic Society has launched a new campaign that aims to get autism onto the agenda of political candidates ahead of the general election in May.

I’m One aims to encourage conversations, in the form of coffee mornings, between candidates and people affected by autism. The NAS wants candidates to understand more about autism and that is an important issue in their constituency so that if they are elected they can help to campaign for change.

Mark Lever, chief executive of the NAS, said: “When The National Autistic Society has successfully campaigned for changes to benefit people with autism both locally and nationally, we’ve usually needed the support of politicians.

“These politicians tell me they support us with our campaigns because of the stories they’ve heard from their constituents about living with autism. They care about our issues because they know that they’re important to the people they represent.

“In the weeks and months before the election on May 7, all sorts of people will contact candidates to ask them to support their causes. So, how can we make sure autism is one of their priorities? By taking the time to sit down with them, face to face, for a conversation that will cut through the noise and be a memorable experience for them.”

The NAS will also be working with its branches to organise several hustings events to hold local candidates to account.

For more information on I’m One, click here

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